Shopping in Buenos Aires

This is your third visit to Buenos Aires and you still did not find the perfect places to go shopping. I will give you all the recommendations you need to visit the best shopping centres to do some shopping regarding what you are looking for.
Leather extra cheap!
If you thought that leather is really cheap in Argentina, your eyes will not be able to believe the crazy prices in Murillo Street where you can find an original leather jacket for only 120 dollars! You can also buy many other leather things such as purses, bags, shoes and boots. To get there you just have to take a taxi or a bus to Munillo street (when it begins) and walk up the whole street from side to side to compare prices and buy happily with no regrets.
For all tastes!
It does not matter whether you are a man or woman, in Cordoba Avenue located in Palermo (4000-5200) you can walk, watch and compare prices from many different Outlet stores which sell leader marks such as Bensimon, Vans and Awada. It is important that you really walk this twelve blocks and their street intersections so that you can buy properly at a very low price and a great quality. Some of thetn even accept credit cards. Try to exchange your dollars so that the prices will be even lower.
So remember, Munillo and Cordoba in Palermo are the cheapest places to buy good clothes, excellent quality. There are some other places with very low prices but they do not have the marktrade backward. You can find these stores in Avellaneda Street in Flores neighbourhood, but I must warn you that some things are really bargains! Make your best choice and enjoy your shopping tour day!

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